Justice Kennedy at Home


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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Labels: Anthony Kennedy, supreme court
How is it possible that people still listen to the blatant hypocrisy of some politicians and pundits? Every word coming out of their mouths is obviously The only possible explanation for anybody believing any of it is hypnosis, for why else would we believe what we hear, day after day, night after night? "Hypnocrites."
All cartoons are the Copyrighted property of the artist, and are available for use with permission only. Request permission by email, dhonig@indy.rr.com.
Labels: Anthony Kennedy, supreme court
Labels: George W. Bush, Iraq War, truth
Labels: Iraq War, john boehner, surge
Labels: closet, gay marriage, Larry Craig
Labels: George W. Bush, Iraq, VFW, Vietnam
Labels: Charles Darwin, Creationism, dinosaurs, Evolution, Left Behind, rapture
Labels: Dante, Inferno, Joe Lieberman, Lenny Bruce, political cartoon, satire
Labels: George W. Bush, Osama bin Laden, PDB
Labels: Dante, Inferno, Lenny Bruce, political cartoon, satire
Labels: bridge, Grover Norquist, I-35, Minneapolis, political cartoon, Rush Limbaugh, satire, St. Paul, tax cuts
Labels: comic, Dante, Inferno, Lenny Bruce, political cartoon, satire
Labels: Dante, Inferno, political cartoon, satire